As a manager or business owner, you know that excellent IT services are required to ensure that your business operates at its best. You might not be aware of the many IT services your company could take advantage of.
When describing the examples that illustrate IT services, many people will think of software updates and the removal of viruses. These are only a tiny portion of the IT services available. We are barely scratching the surface of what's offered to businesses.
According to Gartner, the term "IT services" refers to the application of business and technical knowledge to assist companies in creating or management of information access as well as business procedures.
The options for leading IT support company that are available to businesses are many and vary depending on the person you speak to. However, to simplify things, here are seven examples of IT-related services that can meet all the essential requirements of mid-sized to small businesses.

Cloud Services
Cloud services enable businesses to benefit from the advantages of the internet using cloud service providers. Cloud services can eliminate the requirement for servers on premises with a minimal cost of capital.
The services are popular with most users because of the simplicity of use, the ability to scale and instant access to corporate resources. The only requirement for physical security for you is a reliable internet connection.
Backup and Disaster Recovery
If there were the event a catastrophe (such as fire, flood or computer virus), What would happen to your valuable data being safe and sound? If your company isn't following the 3-2-1 rule for backup, it's likely not. This rule says that your data must be kept in three distinct locations:
The primary device (likely the office or computer workstation).
The backup device you have locally.
An off-site location (preferably via a cloud backup system).
Following the 3-2-1 backup rules will ensure that the chances of losing all three data are meagre.
Many businesses are now using cloud backup to help with disaster recovery. The various types of cloud backups include file-only backups, server backups, backups of desktops and many more. Cloud backup services are suitable for businesses with multiple locations sharing extensive data. If disaster strikes one place, the other site will still have access to all cloud-stored information and can continue operating as usual.
Network Security
Alongside the advantages of internet connectivity, there are a variety of security threats. Cybercriminals, spammers, malware, viruses and data theft are rampant on the internet. And with no strict security measures for your network implemented, your company's data is at risk constantly.
Network security is the process of preventing unauthorised access or theft of a computer network's resources. Security options for networks include firewalls and anti-virus software. They also offer patch management, web filtering, integrated VPNs, and periodic checks by Your IT Service Provider.
Help Desk Support
Support for help desks is an essential instrument for any company with no in-house IT department. Help desk support is a bit different according to your company's needs. However, it is often employed as an individual source of communication for those who require occasional assistance with troubleshooting computers, networks, printers, wifi, etc.
Managed Print Services
Your printers are dependable to be available whenever you require them. Through managed printing services (MPS), your IT service provider will take responsibility for all of your printing and supplies so you can concentrate on more important matters.
Managed Print Services and coordinated operations across all printing equipment, such as fax machines, scanners, copiers and other multifunction equipment. By leveraging the power of an IoT network, your IT service provider monitors and maintains all printing equipment and anticipates your requirements for supplies and parts to ensure that you always have what you require when you need it. They can also track the printing performance of each printer and provide reports on any issues with printers.
Computer Training
One of the most significant obstacles companies face when keeping their operating systems current is the need to train everyone on the latest versions of their system. Since approaching the Windows 7 end of life is getting closer, the issue continues to become more critical.
When you next contact the it support company to inquire about upgrading your system, ask them to provide your employees with an online computer-related training session.
IT Consulting
Sometimes, an IT task is too big or complex to plan without a team of experienced IT experts. If this is the case, engaging an IT service provider to provide consultation services could be the best option. They may collaborate with other departments or contractors on tasks like massive infrastructure and hardware overhauls or enterprise-wide operating system and software updates to ensure that every technical aspect is not missed.
Which of these examples of IT Services are Right for Your Business?
If one of the instances of IT services appears beneficial for your company, we'd love to discuss options with you. Moja Wasia can offer the full range of services (and more) and will assist you in establishing your own IT services plan that meets your company's exact requirements.